Tuesday, October 28, 2008

HSBC coastal classic 2008

Coastal Classic 2008

(V5 sailing up the coast "only 1 coastal to go!!")

This year i did the coastal classic on V5. This yacht is a former TP 52 that has been modified with a canting keel. This is the boat that i competed on in the Fiji race this year and i have been involved with them since sailing in the Wednesday night series in Auckland.

In the build up to labour weekend we did a bit of training on the Hauraki gulf getting ready for spinnaker peels and Jib changes. Looking at the forecast we decided it was going to be an upwind race so we got the boat ready for upwind in 25 to 30 knots.

The start of the race was true to the forecast and we started with our heavy jib. The boat was going well pre start until the keel decided to stop canting due to some pretty flat batteries. (after the race we found a faulty fuse was the cause.) so we did the entire race using the emergency keel pump to get the keel ram to pump. Luckily for us the boat loved the conditions and our competitors started to fall by the wayside.

We were looking forward to some strong competition from our rivals wired and the new challenge from living doll who was here from Aus on their shake down race. unfortunately both boats left the race near Kauwau and we were forced to race the cats and the clock to pick up the handicap and line honors.

it was a tough sail with 20-25 knots and bullets up to 30 around the hen and chicks. the wind was shifting left as the weather system passed over New Zealand meaning the whole race was sailed upwind. we did about 9 sail changes and 3 false alarm sail changes between the heavy the number 3 and 4. Finally we got a spinnaker on in the dying breeze toward the finish line.

Our main concern was sababa who performs very well on the wind especially in this much pressure. and to add to the competition my little sister Rebekka Hielkema was on board running the bow. It was a nervous wait for me when we arrived in Russel. I was hoping that Rebekka (aka BEX) was going to be far enough behind to let us win on corrected time. however wanting her to arrive soon so i could celebrate her 21st birthday (Being now after midnight on the 25th October) I already had her present sorted and i didn't plan on letting her win the trophy instead of me. Time ran out for sababa but at least they arrived in time for me to shower BEX in champaign and to kick start a long weekend of partying and celebrations.

(sababa and V5 on dock in Russell)

(BEX! 21st birthday celebrations in Russell)

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