Friday, December 4, 2009

kings cup

photo of us on tour on the layday

me giving a motivational speech at he crew dinner.

some serious sailing from burgo in the practice race.

my team and our new backpacker friends

Kings Cup 2009

we started this regatta in light winds muggy hot temperature ???

we kicked off the regatta in fine form taking the first race comfortably, we put this down to the practise we got during the Rajamuda regatta. It was good to come out firing and kick the regatta of in good fashion.

In the second race the breeze died down below 8 knots which is hard for us to preform with the heavy Benetau. We got really tangled up with phoenix an IRC'd quarter tonner, we avoided them shooting the top mark and protested, in the room they decided that they had not tacked within the zone so it was dropped.

Phoenix at the top mark have they tacked?

We then tangled with them again at the bottom mark as we came in on starboard and on the inside of them with room. We tangled up and flew the red flag again. We finished in 9th for that race in the protest room we sent our female representative Gemma Farrell who put forward a brilliant case and took picking us up on results to 8th.

In the third race we sailed better but still the light winds held us back we battled through and got a 4th placing.

On day 2 we had a long race and headed around the bottom of Phuket island and up to the island called Koh Lon!! funny name.

We sailed a really tough beat as the tide started to push against us we had a big match race with madam butterfly again bouncing each other up the shoreline out of tide. We lost out with a tight lee bow and I decided to dip and take the right hand advantage, however the left was so favoured they crossed ahead of us bad call. From there It was follow the leader to the finish we took a little time out of them with two good shifts but then at the turning mark we picked up a fishing pot which stopped us dead in the water. We dropped sails, backed off the rope and carried on. Luckily it didn't cost us much as we came away with a second placing.

Race day 3 we had 2 windward leewards with 8-12 knots we liked the look of the forcast but the race committee wasn't happy with the 25 degree shifts rather than middle the 2wind directions they waited for it to drop and settle in direction. Much to my frustration the 8 knots again not really suiting us. Our game plan was to beat madam butterfly at all costs ignoring the other yachts in our division. The game plan worked out ok for us we beat madam butterfly on line but still behind on corrected time. In race 2 we sailed a perla and beat them. Placing 3rd and 4th

the party

we headed off to the bar bearing in mind that we had a lay day planned the next day we got stuck into the free food and drinks, a blues brothers band played and we danced until close then off to the fullmoon party at Karon beach.

We had a VIP area for the yachties with free refreshments and a massive dance party on the sand, kiwi vs aussie scrums which ended with 2 crook necks and a sore shoulder (2 injuries from the aussie side of the scrum and only 1 in the kiwi camp.

Myself Andrew Clouston and Kelvin Holdt making a pretty formidable front row.

I'm looking forward to heading out again tomorrow and taking this regatta out. We have a long race scheduled with 12-14 knots which will hopefully play into our hands.

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